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Roadmap for Acoulatis
Q1/Q2 2025
Lightweight frame wall model and massive concrete elements
We are working on an AI Neural Network model for lightweight frame walls that we plan to present at DAS/DAGA 2025 in Copenhagen. The model is based on over 300 laboratory measurements and it is planned to be included in Acoulatis during Q1-Q2 2025.
We plan to also include massive elements with concrete, so that Acoulatis can be used more frequently without the support of other programs.
Q1/Q2 2025
User feature improvements
We have many ideas on how to improve the user experince in Acoulatis and below is a list for some of the planned improvements, we would love to hear your feedback!
Project page to manage your calculations
Administrator functions to manage your team
Possibility to create/save own products
Share projects between one another in your team
Q1/Q2 2025
More products
Products from more manufactures will be included to the database with supporting calculation models during Q1-Q2 2025.
Updates regarding the manufactures will follow.
Q3/Q4 2025
Additional template modules
More template modules will be added during 2025. This includes structures with a base of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), facades and hopefully lightweight frame floors.
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